Handmade Legacy

cropped-crochet_4.jpgWhen I’m dealing with grief, I do one of two things:

  1. Curl into a ball while watching a marathon of 3+ seasons of the same TV show on Netflix while avoiding any human interaction
  2. Busy myself in a new hobby

When my grandmother died, I almost started on habit #1 as I pulled out the pink and white crocheted blanket she handmade for me when I was born. I was almost ready to isolate myself on the couch with my trusty Netflix at hand, but I took a closer look at the blanket and began to notice the intricate details, the colors of yarn, the time and effort she put into this blanket. Everyone in my family has one. Everyone! My father is the seventh of ten children, and I am just one of 20 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren, and four great-great grandchildren. Whether it was the birth of a new member of the family, a wedding, Christmas, or perhaps just because, my grandma handmade a new blanket for the occasion. The time and love she put into making each and every one of these blankets is enough to blow your mind! It is a perfect memory to keep of her, reminding me to make time to care for others.

So, in her honor I’ve decided to take up crocheting. I hope that it teaches me her patience while giving me a few new items to keep around to remind me of her incredible spirit. To begin this process, I did what most anyone would do – start a new board on Pinterest. I’m eager to start making blankets, scarves, adorable giraffe stuffed animals,  coffee mug coozies, rugs, and so much more. First, I need to make something more than a friendship bracelet. Baby steps, though.

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  1. Pingback: Interesting Thing Happened Through The Eyes Of A Seven Year Old | StrawberryCouture Hats

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